Doppler ultrasound demonstrating diffusely increased flow indicative of hyperaemia (Fig. 1) helps differentiate cellulitis from non-infectious oedema, in addition to clinical history and examination [9]. Computed tomography (CT) in cellulitis demonstrates increased attenuation and stranding of the subcutaneous fat, due to oedema, with overlying skin thickening. Chronic IV drug use can be confirmed by observing track marks due to repeated injections into subcutaneous veins. Track marks are a linear area of tiny, dark punctate lesions (needle punctures) surrounded by an area of darkened or discolored skin due to chronic inflammation.

What is the disadvantage of IV?

Disadvantages of drugs administered IV include an inability to reverse the actions of all drugs after they have been injected. Although it is possible to reverse the actions of some drugs (e.g., opioids, anticholinergics, and benzodiazepines) through the use of specific drug antagonists, this is not always the case.

Although extremely sensitive in the detection of septic arthritis, MRI findings are non-specific and can overlap with inflammatory arthrides [24]. MRI protocols typically involve T1, T2, fluid-sensitive (such as STIR) and gadolinium-enhanced sequences. MRI may be performed where there is diagnostic uncertainty or for the evaluation of surrounding soft tissues and bones. MRI will show a joint effusion with synovial thickening and enhancement, indicative of active synovitis (Fig. 15) [24]. In chronic infections, destruction of the joint surfaces and peri-articular structures occurs with resultant deformity and reactive sclerosis (Fig. 16).

Health Risks and Dangers

A full physical examination may reveal stigmata of substance use (e.g. recent injection sites, old tracks, venous scarring, ‘puffy hand syndrome’, abscesses) and evidence of malnutrition or undetected infection. Laboratory confirmation of self-reported use should be sought, most commonly with urinanalysis, though false negatives can arise through dilution or contamination of samples. Urine tests and their results should not result in punitive consequences for the client (e.g. being discharged from the programme) but should be used in discussion about changes in treatment approach.

iv drug use

It is estimated that more than three-quarters of intravenous drug users eventually develop scars in a vascular distribution, with more than half still displaying those scars even after more than five years of sobriety. « Pop scars, » round- or oval-shaped permanent scars, are very common, and can stigmatize abusers for the rest of their lives. Endocarditis can damage the heart and cause dangerous medical complications to occur. If someone with a damaged heart valve suspects they might have endocarditis, seeking medical attention is crucial. Identifying a rehab facility near them could greatly aid in their recovery journey, ensuring they receive the specialized care necessary to navigate the complexities of this condition. Timely access to rehab near me can significantly improve their chances of a smoother rehabilitation process and a more effective recovery from endocarditis.


The second most common AIDS risk factor for women is heterosexual contact with a person at risk for AIDS. Indeed, Wofsy (1987) has estimated that as many as 20,000 women whose sexual partners are iv drug users may be infected with HIV. Given the high relapse rates of drug users after they leave drug treatment programs and the ineffectiveness of currently available treatment for some injectable drugs, the complete elimination of injection behavior is not a realistic goal. Change should be conceptualized as risk reduction rather than complete risk elimination.

‘Needle phobia’ may paradoxically aggravate the problem of venous access caused by physical damage to veins. This is understandable when one realises that most will have witnessed an overdose in others, and which is the rationale for providing naloxone injection kits. The same healthcare needs of the general population apply but services should be flexible to adapt to specific need. Unfortunately, a common criticism from intravenous drug users is that the standard of health care received can be affected prejudicially by their drug use. Dual-systems estimates, also known as capture-recapture or tag-recapture estimates, are perhaps the most widely used method for making direct estimates.

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